There are several vacancies in IIT, Gandhinagar. The details for candidates are given below :

1) Professor :
Number of vacancies : not mentioned 
Pay scale : PB4 Rs.48000/- (Rs.37400-67000 + grade pay of Rs.10500/-)
Qualification : the candidate must have the P.hd degree or its equivalent.

2) Associate Professor :
Number of vacancies : not mentioned 
Pay scale : PB4 Rs.42800/- (Rs.37400-67000 + grade pay of Rs.9500/-)
Qualification : the candidate must have the Ph.D degree with first class or its equivalent.

3) Assistant Professor :
Number of vacancies : not mentioned 
Pay scale : PB3 Rs.30000/- (Rs.15600-39100 + grade pay of Rs.8000/-)
Qualification : candidate must have three years minimum experience in research/ teaching/ professional experience, excluding, experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.

Application Procedure :
i) The application to be sent must include the educational qualifications, year of passing Ph.D, list of publications, teaching / research/ professional experience, date of birth, address of three referees.
ii) The application must be send to professor in-charge, faculty affairs, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandinagar, VGEC complex, Chandkheda, Visat-Gandhinagar Highway, Ahemdabad, Gujrat, India-382424
iii) Candidate called for the interview will be paid 2AC train fair from the place of their resisdence and back from the shortest route.

Selection Procedure : Selection procedure is entirely based on the interview.

Must Know :
Last date : through out the year
Application fee : none
Website :

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