AAI Admit Card 2013
Aerodrome administration of India (AAI) Recruitment 2012, New Delhi offering online applications for the mail of juvenile Executive (Air Port procedure ) and juvenile boss (Commercial). Candidate's age not more than 40 years for DGM and Deputy business receptionist Posts Age Limit for supervisor mails 32 years and 27 years for juvenile boss mails.
About AIR administration OF INDIA: The Airports administration of India (AAI) is an organization working under the Ministry of Civil Aviation that manages most of the airports in India. The AAI organises and functions 126 airports and 329 airstrips including 16 international aerodromes, 89 household aerodromes and 26 municipal enclaves.
written test Pattern: AAI Junior Executive written test for both ATC and Electronics posts are of target kind and after in writing in writing test there are interview for both post but there is an added voice check for the post of Junior boss ATC.
Written test paper of both written test is of 2.00 hours and written test paper consists two parts mechanical part and non mechanical part. however there are no repaired number of questions in written test some times total number of question may be 100 oir some time it may be 150. technical section comprises 55% to 60% (questions from electronics / connection / command system / computer / data expertise) non technical questions comprises 40% to 40 % inquiries (from general information, English language, reasoning and general mathematics).
How to get the submission Form: Eligible candidates can send their submission typed on A-4 size paper in format cited in the notification to The Regional Executive controller, aerodrome Authority of India, Southern district, Chennai- 600 027. The wrapper encompassing the application should be super scribed– “Application for the mail of Senior aide (Electronics)”
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